No subbing jobs yet for me. We've only had one week of school though.
It was a great summer here. We went to Seattle a couple of times to see a friend there. We shopped at Pike's Market, and spent 4th of July there as well. It was rainy and wet on the 4th. We watched fireworks covered in blankets from the garage. The kids had a ton of fun, which made it all worth it.
We also went to Idaho a couple of times to visit friends there. We went to Wallace, Idaho, way up north, to see my friend Melissa. She's a music teacher and teaches piano from home. We also went to Boise to enjoy the water park and visit my best friend Kristi and her family. Our daughters have grown up together and are going to miss each other terribly when we move to Arizona.
I've started prepping for the PRAXIS. I looked up the requirements for AZ and I need to take an AZ teacher assessment there. I wish they'd just accept the PRAXIS. OI! I am also going to take the assessments to qualify for highly qualified special education and reading. We aren't sure when we are moving yet, so I need to renew my certificate here and get a new certificate in AZ. Paper work, paper work! OI!
Oh, and if we move within the school year, I'll be making 1/2 of what I make here as a substitute teacher in AZ! Great. That is just a good incentive to get a job and not just sub when we move.
I'll post more when I get some sub jobs. Until then, not much else to say! Thanks for reading. :)